Many years ago, I worked alongside a kid named Douglas. He was from a small town in Alabama but he made his way out west to be an intern under his former chef instructor from the New England Culinary Institute. We had absolutely nothing in common except proximity. He was a southerner from a deeply……...
Author: kriss harvey
The Lesson in Artisan
I am sort of old school but with the ability to evolve as I constantly attempt to improve my skills and stay relevant. I find myself wanting to make things more simply and focus on flavor intensity and texture versus doing trendy things that push the definition of what is good taste. This shift in……...
The Lesson in Fiber
I have preached for years that sugar is what makes ice cream and sorbet creamy. But it has its limits too. You just can’t keep adding more sugar to a sorbet or ice cream base to improve the texture. If the base is incorrectly overly sweetened, then it won’t freeze properly. It will be too……...
The Lesson in Easy Snacking
I hated working at Joel Robuchon. It was one of the worst jobs that I have ever had. It wasn’t Mr. Robuchon’s fault; he likely had no idea about the nonsense that was going on there. The desserts were overly dressed concoctions that were void of any flavor and completely void of any soul. It……...
Sundae School Blue Cereal Milk
Years ago, I was sent by an importer of Italian gelato equipment to supervise the installation of a batch freezer in a dairy plant that was owned and operated by a grocery store chain. In this plant, they made sour cream, yogurt and ice cream all under their brand. It was all supervised by federal……...
Sundae School is in Session
Even though this frozen meringue isn’t really ice cream, it is a delicious frozen dessert that comes out of your batch freezer or Pacojet. And when you whip out your blow torch to toast it, you will blow the minds of your guests. If you want to let them in on the secret, that is……...
The Lesson in Mom Advice
My mom once told me that my signature can only get me in trouble. For the most part, she was correct. I have signed for dinner checks, bought cars, leased expensive apartments, signed for credit card purchases, tax returns and all sorts of things that have cost me large sums of money. But my signature……...
The Lesson on How I Learned My Lesson
Every chef has taken a job that they weren’t ready for. It is almost part of the script. Finding out that you’re not ready is just part of the deal as you prepare to be a chef. I think it is especially true for pastry chefs. Talented pastry cooks always want it faster than the……...
The Lesson About Transformation
I hope that I live long enough to fulfill all of my ambitions. It is driven by my desire to travel everywhere and eat the regional foods that intrigue me the most. And after I taste them, my mission is to recreate them and if possible, make them better. Henri Le Roux from Quiberon, is……...
The Lesson in Praline Part 2
As a chocolatier, I am a big believer in making as much as I possibly can. While making the chocolate to supply my business isn’t economically feasible (at this point), I envy the chefs that get to work with an investment that lets them do that. However, that is reserved for the select few. Alain……...